Harbor of Light Ladies Conference 2024, August 30-31

We invite you to the Harbor of Light Ladies Conference. We are thrilled that Mrs. Vicky Mutchler will be with us again this year! She offers practical lessons applying Biblical truth to our everyday lives. We look forward to fun, fellowship, and helpful teaching from the Word of God!  
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Welcome To Bible Baptist Church
Uniontown, Pennsylvania

We welcome you to come! If that's not possible join us online via Facebook Live or YouTube. BBC is a friendly, independent, vibrant, Biblical, traditional, soul-winning, growing church with a history of serving our community.

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Service Times

Sunday School 10:00 AM
Sunday Morning Service 11:00 AM
Sunday Evening Service 6:00 PM
Wednesday Evening Service and Explorers Club (6-12 yrs.) 7:00 PM


One Evergreen Terrace
Uniontown, PA 15401

Contact Us

Phone: 724.439.2519
Fax: 724.439.3489


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Our Purpose:

  • Loving God and Each Other
  • Growing Together


We Welcome you to join us!

Jon Kim Lucianna Redick. Niki Dan Daniel & Jonathan Bobek. Sharon O’Toole.  
Pastor Dale Redick and Mimi

Pastor’s Radio Broadcast

The Disciples asked, “Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?” That remains a prominent question today. Pastor Redick addresses this topic on his weekly radio broadcast.

All Radio Broadcasts


Read our weekly bulletin and catch up on all our activities or just read them all.

All Bulletins


“Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. ” (2 Corinthians 9:7) Help support your local church and all of its ministries.

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