Bible Baptist Academy

“Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach a just man, and he will increase in learning.”Proverbs 9:9

Bible Baptist Academy was founded specifically for the children and grandchildren of Bible Baptist Church members. We offer a comprehensive educational program for preschool through grade twelve.

Our mission is to assist the parents in fulfilling their Biblical responsibility to “train up a child.” Our primary goal is to educate the whole child: intellectually, spiritually, emotionally, and physically.

Students learn in a disciplined and safe environment under teachers who maintain a Biblical perspective in and out of the classroom. The school uses the A.C.E. curriculum, which is designed to produce the best academic results by implementing the best techniques and procedures for the individual learner. The Academy endeavors to provide our students with a quality education centered on Christian principles.

Chapel meets once a week with Pastor Redick as the main, featured preacher. On occasion, the academy will invite a guest preacher to instruct the students in the Word of God.

The students enjoy a wide spectrum of both academic and recreational activities. Structured learning is interspersed with a variety of field trips both educational and entertaining.

We are not only about spirituality, academics, and athletics; but the students also have the opportunity to serve in a variety of Bible Baptist Church ministries.

If you are looking for a school that offers a balanced education, we trust that you will consider becoming a member of the Bible Baptist Church and enrolling your student(s).

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